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Kindness Collection

Greeting Cards, Stickers and Posters

In 2020, lockdown and the Covid-19 pandemic abruptly slowed our natural pace and gave us the time to sit and be with ourselves. Whilst going through something collectively, we all went through something individually – a period of simultaneous pain and healing. 

Inspired by my own reflection through lockdown and the music that guided me through, this body of work contains a collection of digitally designed posters, greeting cards and stickers – all acting as a reminder that we can move forward and heal when we are patient, gentle and kinder to one another. A life such as this one should be experienced together.


From being a small child, I can always remember not understanding why people are so nasty to others – mostly driven from children picking on each other in the playground – but as I’ve gotten older, that lack of understanding has skyrocketed. The older you get, the more you see, and the more you see, the more you understand. At the age of 22 and from first-hand experiences, I now know that not everyone is a kind person - a truly kind person. Kindness has many different faces depending on how you have been shaped to recognise and accept it.

But true kindness will always show its true face. 


Helping others does not take away from you. When did being a kind person become something people don’t want to be? Granted, it’s become a topic of conversation in the last four years or so. But my question is, are you being kind because you know it’s the right thing to do, or because the public perception of you takes pride of place in your imaginary trophy cabinet?


Kindness saves lives. It’s not about you, it’s about what you can do for others. 


It’s important to me that my work reflects my beliefs and this body of work is everything I am as a person. It’s driven from sayings I tell myself when I need to be my own support system, sayings I tell others and sayings loved ones have said to me. Lockdown hit people in ways they’ve never experienced before, but it’s not uncommon. We all have different things that make our lives difficult to live them the way we want, which reiterates the fact that we need to help each other through this shared experience.


This body of work isn’t just mine. It’s for anyone who seeks comfort in moments where it’s not accessible to them. My one wish for this collection was for it to reach at least one person and make them feel heard and seen.


Whatever you do in life be patient, be gentle and be kind…

…No act of kindness is ever too small…

© estellelilydesign2023

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